Digital DC Voltmeter Using Microcontroller 8051 Mini Project

Digital DC Voltmeter Using Microcontroller 8051 Mini Project

Digital DC voltmeter using Microcontroller or microprocessor is a project in which basically voltage of the system or circuit is measure and 7-segment or display on 16x2 Alpha numeric LCD(Liquid crystal display) This project is best suited for learning of voltage measurement and microcontroller or microprocessor based system from electronics or electrical field person or engineering or diploma student. In this project we are using digital measurement method in which we are uses ADC (Analog to digital convertor) to measure digital form of voltage and then processes this digital value using microprocessor or microcontroller 8051 from Atmel(89s52) then display this digital value on 7-segment or 16x2 Alpha numeric LCD. we can also use other microcontroller or microprocessor manufactures by NXP ARM, Microchip’s  PIC18f,PIC12F,PIC16F series…etc., STM series from STMicrotronics , freescale ,AVR etc. instated of Atmel 8051.Some of Microcontroller have inbuilt ADC Analog to digital converter .We are also provided or tested on computer simulation using simulation software Proteus.

Proteus Simulation-Digital DC voltmeter Using Microcontroller 8051(Atmel 89x52)
Proteus Simulation-Digital DC voltmeter Using Microcontroller 8051(Atmel 89x52)


Design Digital voltmeter using microcontroller or microprocessor and display on 7-segment or 16x2 LCD(Liquid crystal display)we are using 7-segment in this simulation in Proteus.


This introduction makes the link with analog voltage measurement.  The digital voltmeters  are simply compute digital values from ADC then processed and display on 7 segment.

A key element in processing digital signals is microcontroller. Microcontroller perform direct Manipulations signals. To completely describe digital voltmeter, three basic elements (or building blocks) are needed: an ADC(analog to digital converter 0808), a microcontroller, and a display device. The ADC 0808 has 10 inputs channels and 8-bit digital output


Keil uvision 3 3.30a

C51 8051 Compiler

Proteus 7.10 Labcenter Electronics

Component and Hardware:

          AT89S52 Microcontroller from Atmel
          ADC0808 Analog to Digital Converter 8-channel 8-bit Texas Instruments
          7-segment Multiples Display

C Code(C Programme):


//  *******  DC voltmeter ********           


//Company  :

//Controller: 8051 Microcontroller ATMEL

// Compiler : C51 Keil uvision 3 3.30a

//Version     : 1.0


#include <AT89X52.H>

#define data_point P0    //data bus port

/* ADC0809 control pins */

sbit EOC  =P2^0;   

sbit ADDA =P2^1;                 

sbit ADDB =P2^2;

sbit ADDC =P2^3;

sbit OE   =P2^5;

sbit START=P2^6;

sbit CLK  =P2^7;

/* Global variables */

unsigned char disp[3]={0,0,0}; 

unsigned char t0count=0;       

/* Display function */

void display()


   unsigned char i,j,k=0x80;











/*Function to Read ADC*/

unsigned char ADC0809()


  unsigned char d;




TR1=1;//enable timer

  START=1; START=0;  //start ADC

  while(EOC==0);     //check for EOC to go high


OE=1;              //enable output data

  d=data_point;      //read data

  OE=0;              //disable adc

  TR1=1;//stop timer

return d;          //return data


void covert(unsigned char x)


char code dispcode[]={0x3F,0x06,0x5B,0x4F,0x66,0x6D,0x7D,0x07,0x7F,0x6F};




  disp[1]=dispcode[x/10]; //first decimal

  disp[2]=dispcode[x%10]; // second decimal


void main()


 TMOD=0X21;             //Enable timer 0 in mode 1 and timer 1 in momde 2

 TH0=(65536-10000)/256; //T0 for 10ms


 TH1=256-2;             // T1 for 2us





 OE=0;      //Initilize ADC





   display();   //display data



void time0() interrupt 1





 if (t0count==10)   //check for  1sec



          covert(ADC0809()); //´convert data from adc



void time1() interrupt 3


  CLK=~CLK;       //ADC clock pulse



We can measure voltage using digital voltmeter Using Microcontroller 8051(Atmel 89x52)  and compare with the analog voltmeter reading which almost accurate and we can further develop other meter in future such as ohmmeter, ammeter etc.we can also use other microcontroller or microprocessor manufactures by NXP ARM, Microchip’s  PIC18f,PIC12F,PIC16F series…etc., STM series from STMicrotronics , freescale ,AVR etc. instated of Atmel 8051.Some of Microcontroller have inbuilt ADC Analog to digital converter.

( Full Report)DOWNLOAD
(C Code and Computer Simulation) DOWNLOAD


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