Face to voice | Visually Impaired | Raspberry Pi

Howdy! Today I came with an interesting and innovative project which is an boon project for visually impaired (VI) people. It increases the life quality of the VI people in an affordable price. I hope this project will convert into product in future.

After active working of 75+ Hrs with several prototypes finally the success is achieved with Pi Camera and Raspberry Pi

It have three different phases, to detect the face and convert it to voice.
  • Face capture and save as data to the raspberry pi
  • Training generator for the data set
  • Finally live streaming is compared to saved data

Working Prototype

As discussed earlier, it uses raspberry pi and pi camera for the face recognition and if the match found with the faces it give the voice the VI person.

Hardware Snap

Hardware Snap

While concentrating on the hardware it's too simple. Only a R-PI and Pi-Camera. It includes the headphones for voice.

PoC Snap

Working Snap

This written code have a capability to detect the multi-face in a time and gives the name of the person as voice output.

Click for Video

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