220V ON-OFF Latching touch switch by one touch plate only

This is second 220v touch switch that i made. the first one was made by IC4011.
Touching plate completely insulated from the main supply and can't be dangerous.
Red LED allowing you easily to locate the switch in the dark, it be turn OFF when the AC lamp running ON.
The touching plate must touch for 1 second for turning the load ON or OFF.
You can't use very big touching plate for this circuit and the wire of touching plate must be short as possible. This circuit can run up to 10A load.

Parts list:
Bridge diode 1A
Diode 1N4007
Zener diode 12v 1W
Transistor 2N2222
Relay 12v
Resistor 1K
Resistor 270ohm 2W
Capacitor 220uF 16v
Capacitor470nF 400v
Capacitor 47uF

Don't touch the circuit when it connected to the main voltage, even after power separating there are some remaining voltage in the capacitor that can give you shock.

220V ON-OFF Latching touch switch by one touch plate only

220V ON-OFF Latching touch switch by one touch plate only


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