Turn ON-OFF 220v electric appliances by any IR remote control
By this circuit you can turn ON and OFF an electric appliance up to 10A by any IR remote control such as remote control of TV, satellite, air conditioner ... etc. Red LED run when the load is turn OFF, it help you to find the switch position in dark. I put here two circuits, they are similar but the first contain a transformerless power supply circuit to convert 220v to 12v and 5v for running the 12v relay and the IC, but the second circuit is easier to make because used a 5v mobile charger to running the circuits by 220v. Parts list: IC 4017 IC 7805 Transistor 2N2222 Transistor S9012 Diode 1N4007 Bridge diode 1A Zener diode 12v 1w LED IR receiver 1838A Capaciror 470nF 400v Capacitor 220uF 16v Capacitor 0.47uF Resistor 270 ohm 2w Resistor 1K Resistor 100K Resistor 47 ohm Resistor 220 ohm Relay 12v