Color sensor using arduino and TCS230
This is color sensor that used TCS230 and RGB LED.
color detection in this module depend on S2 and S3 output as follow:
L means low and the H means high.
you have to use a 330ohm resistor to protect the LEDs.
Parts list:
Resistor 100 ohm
Color sensor TCS230
Arduino board
color detection in this module depend on S2 and S3 output as follow:
L means low and the H means high.
you have to use a 330ohm resistor to protect the LEDs.
Parts list:
Resistor 100 ohm
Color sensor TCS230
Arduino board
// TCS230 color recognition sensor
// Sensor connection pins to Arduino are shown in comments
Color Sensor Arduino
----------- --------
s0 8
s1 9
s2 12
s3 11
OUT 10
const int s0 = 8;
const int s1 = 9;
const int s2 = 12;
const int s3 = 11;
const int out = 10;
// LED pins connected to Arduino
int redLed = 2;
int greenLed = 3;
int blueLed = 4;
// Variables
int red = 0;
int green = 0;
int blue = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(s0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(s1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(s2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(s3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(out, INPUT);
pinMode(redLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode(blueLed, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(s0, HIGH);
digitalWrite(s1, HIGH);
void loop()
Serial.print("R Intensity:");
Serial.print(red, DEC);
Serial.print(" G Intensity: ");
Serial.print(green, DEC);
Serial.print(" B Intensity : ");
Serial.print(blue, DEC);
if (red < blue && red < green && red < 20)
Serial.println(" - (Red Color)");
digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH); // Turn RED LED ON
digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(blueLed, LOW);
else if (blue < red && blue < green)
Serial.println(" - (Blue Color)");
digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(blueLed, HIGH); // Turn BLUE LED ON
else if (green < red && green < blue)
Serial.println(" - (Green Color)");
digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH); // Turn GREEN LED ON
digitalWrite(blueLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(blueLed, LOW);
void color()
digitalWrite(s2, LOW);
digitalWrite(s3, LOW);
//count OUT, pRed, RED
red = pulseIn(out, digitalRead(out) == HIGH ? LOW : HIGH);
digitalWrite(s3, HIGH);
//count OUT, pBLUE, BLUE
blue = pulseIn(out, digitalRead(out) == HIGH ? LOW : HIGH);
digitalWrite(s2, HIGH);
//count OUT, pGreen, GREEN
green = pulseIn(out, digitalRead(out) == HIGH ? LOW : HIGH);
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