How to install and programming an LED sign board
Each LED board contain 3 basic parts: LED module, controller, power supply
LED module
LED modules can connect together to make a big display. there are single color LED modules, 2colors and full colors(RGB) LED modules.
LED modules can connect together to make a big display. there are single color LED modules, 2colors and full colors(RGB) LED modules.
since traditionally LEDs when leaves in sunlight for long time loss its first brightness, so
that modules make by special LEDs that have higher resistance to sun ray.
controller (some time call mother board) contain LED display driver, memory and back up battery.
Power supply
power supply is a 5v regulated adapter and its current is between 1A to 50A or more (according to number of modules that make bigness of display)
Note: connecting + and - in reverse causes damage for both controller and LED modules.
Programing process
For programming the LED board first must install "HD2013" program on your computer.
Follow this steps:
controller (some time call mother board) contain LED display driver, memory and back up battery.
Power supply
power supply is a 5v regulated adapter and its current is between 1A to 50A or more (according to number of modules that make bigness of display)
Note: connecting + and - in reverse causes damage for both controller and LED modules.
Programing process
For programming the LED board first must install "HD2013" program on your computer.
You can download it from following link(password=168): when installing completed select your controller board model (i used HD-A40)Follow this steps:
then insert number of LEDs in width and in height of your LED display and then select the type of your module (mine is P10 >> 10 in fact is the distance between centers of two near LEDs in millimeter . that make resolution of LED display >>> lower number=better resolution )
"default setting" must be turn off
then select the luminance and select frequency of refresh then click finish.
now connect the controller to your computer and click on program then text
You can add many beautiful effect to your text and can change its color if your module is RGB.
Review >> use for test how text will displayed
U disk >> use for save the program on USB flash
Time >> use for show the calender on your display
Clock >>use for show the time on your display
Temp >>use for show the temperature on your display
Count >> use for counting days of week or month or year reversely on your display
send >> use for save the program in controller
hypertext >> use for convert some picture to displayable picture on LED module
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