Synchronous Generators Prime movers; Steam turbine; Hydraulic turbine & diesel engines
Synchronous machines construction depends upon type of prime mover used in machines. There are following types of prime movers used in power generation:- 1. Steam turbines 2. Hydraulic Turbines 3. Diesel Engines Let’s discuss them :- 1. Steam turbine:- These types of synchronous machines have high speed. Generators driven by steam turbine are also called Turbogenerators. Maximum speed of Turbogenerators is 3000 RPM as per formula Frequency= PN/ 120; Where P is no. of poles N is no. of revolutions In 2 Pole machine at 50 HZ frequency Speed of Turbogenerator comes out to be= 50X120/ 2= 3000 RPM With Such high speed lower value of armature diameter is to be designed. Lower diameter is selected to limit the centrifugal forces which have very much influence on the generator design. Peripheral Speed of a Machine is given by formula as below:- Periphera...